
The company SINIS s.r.l. operates in the sector of prefabrication of ordinary and prestressed reinforced concrete components, using the equipment and systems located in the Modugno plant, which extends over a lot of about 12 hectares.
The company's activity consists in the design, production , transport and assembly of prefabricated products intended for the construction of road and railway works of art, industrial, commercial and sports buildings.
The permanent workforce made up of workers, office workers and managers is joined by specialized companies according to specific needs for various services and transport and assembly services on site.


The factory includes:
- multi-span production buildings, with a total covered area of over 11,000 m2.
- uncovered areas (approx. 8,500 m2) served by bridge cranes for the storage of manufactured articles, adjacent to the production departments
- fully automated batching plant of 60 m3/hour made
- laboratory equipped for tests on the materials used
- rooms for offices and services.
The industrial buildings, designed and built to guarantee great flexibility and production capacity, allow the construction of products for large works, weighing up to 90 tons, with prestressing efforts up to 2,000 tons.


A young company that originates from the decennial experience in the sector of its main components.